Wednesday, August 24, 2005

$1M a year in Google Adsense

$1M a year in Google Adsense (or why 2,739 is my favorite number)

From the article:
    If back in September when we started playing with Google Adsense someone told me it would turn into a $1M a year business I would have laughed. A million bucks without a sales person? Give me a break!

    However, yesterday we broke our $2,100 record with a $2,335 day.


At 5:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What? $2,335 a day? Oh my...

At 2:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow.. but since he has $112 people (103 bloggers and 9 staff) that works out to about $9000 a year per person. Now, he also did state that on some of the more popular blogs (Engadget), they have sold out the advertising space for the banner ads. This means that this is from just of his sources. Also, I'd wager that not all bloggers are paid the same. They might have some form of "popularity/frequency of updates = pay" like does.

Still, that is some awesome revenue that is actually getting paid out. I can't count the number of times I've read of advertisers trying to use some slimy tactics to worm out of paying for advertisements that were posted on sites.

At 4:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You should warn your readers that adsense is very very sensitive about click fraud, and quick to ban a small website, even if the webmaster has no responsibility in the bad clicks. As many of your readers will begin small, they should be very carefull about that, because right now there is no alternative. If they are banned, the game is over.

By the way, do you have advices for those banned websites to find alternative ways to earn money ?

At 1:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Blogger, I found your blog while searching for the latest blog news covering Increase Pagerank, and although $1M a year in Google Adsense isn't a perfect match to what I am looking for, I certainly like the look and feel of your blog.

At 5:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is there a 3rd party plugin that can be used to provide blogs as a service from our site to our community members that would allow us to put our google ads on the blogs?

At 4:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you are running your own blog site, you could force all the blogs to use a template that includes your adsense.

This would be similar to what Geocities was doing a few years ago. I don't know what they do now, though as I haven't been to a geocities hosted site in a long time.

At 7:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah it does seem pretty crazy that they are making that kind of ad revenue

the same thing happened in 1997-2000

instead of "blogs" they were called "news sites" -- exact same thing just not as trendy

tonnes of teenaged boys ran these websites, which eventually became networks.. the barrier of entry for this kind of thing is very low which is what spoils it for everyone

any Tom, Dick or Harry can set up a blog network.. and they will .. there are already 5 of them online that one can find with a simple google search.

the bubble will burst, the way it did in 2000

At 8:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So does anyone know how many hits they are getting to generate that revenue?

At 5:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you have to register as a business to make money with a website?

At 12:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is insane!

The Dollar Factory

At 2:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can protect your site from click fraud by using AdLogger which is free. For more info read "Prevent bot attacks on your AdSense using AdLogger"

At 4:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have found index with some guidebooks similar to your blog content and would like to share. There are interesting ideas for moneymaking, affiliates, work at home, etc. Get it and enjoy! :o)


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