Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Getting started

Getting started can be a challenge. Here is some inspiration:

If a 13 year-old can launch a startup you have no excuse

From the article:
    The point about this story is that not only has this teenager gone and created ScottBlog, but he had the get-up-and-go to find out who writes about startups, write a press release and email them. He’s even put himself on CrunchBase. A lot of older people than haven’t done that much.
Another possibility: Start Your Own Business for $100 or Less


At 5:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is one of the very inspiring personality that was able to make a difference in their age level. Its a good start for this young boy.

http://www.saveformore.com is also another start-up website that is interesting to visit.


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